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welcome to Brain Poetry Blog


Saturday 1 August 2015

                    THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE

     Growing up as a child in my family,is not what most people would find fascinating. I remember several occasions when I would see my school results showing how greatly I failed, and would bring it over for my father to see. He was not an Autocrat and that made him a caring father. He would always ask me 1 question, and after explaining the reasons to him as to why I never passed,he would say "That's not an Excuse". So provoking were those words,But as time and seasons changed, I grew up and so did my way of reasoning.
Whenever I remember my childhood experience,Those words always echoes in my ears"That's not an Excuse".
   Successful people has stories to tell but unsuccessful people has got a whole lot of excuses to make.
My father taught me the greatest lesson of time,when he made me understand that we should not give excuses about why we fail,but that we Should succeed.
Stop sharing excuses around so as to receive mournful remarks from friends and foes.. Why not sit up and put in more efforts so as to make it."A man that always makes excuses will be squeezed"...
Excuses does not change anything bro/sis.let excuses not weigh us down,But let's press on to success.
90% of unsuccessful people spend more time Blaming others for their failures.
People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives.
J. Michael Straczynski
Leadership - leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.
Mitt Romney
Stand up and move on. Let's say no to Excuses and say yes to pressing forward.
Meet you at the Top.......
From your friend and brother

Brainhousepoetry® ̈́ ͂ ̷̐


They claim joy cometh in the morning
Obviously someone lied.
The morning came to me with cold hands
And joy I searched for but never found.
Sorrow became my dwelling
Sad faces became my appearance
Broken bones with spaces of holes..
Struck deep inside of me from sorrows hoes..
My Lips stucks
My heart strucks
With my Fictive thoughts I built a world of my own..
A world worth more than wonderland
My Nightmare stung me
As a scorpion its prey
Life is not a bed of roses
My Bed filled with thorns
Am addicted to sorrow..
It befits me
My hair turned grey
As am served on Tears tray
Broken am I
Like shattered glasses
My Blood has stopped turning Red
Now it has become White
Yes because life is no longer in me
I am a noise
Louder than that found in the market place
Pay no attention to me
Am but a problem
I am cut apart
Torn to pieces like rags found at the threshold of insane men
Feel pity for me
As am bound to this pains I speak of
My Face is not seen and my Voices you hear in your head…
Though I am Anonymous..

written by: Brainthepoet

Anthony Ragler - "Target" (NPS 2014)


Clayton Jennings